Test Yourself & Your Employees For Unconscious Bias

Noun. Inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair.

When running a company, it is important to ensure that all the people you have in a position of power make all of the decisions in a fair manor without pushing prejudice towards any person or group.

About Stereotypes And PrejudicesRacist Eggs
It’s never correct to just assume something about somebody. A stereotype is a way of discriminating against a singular or group or persons because of something they are or do. For instance, refusing to take work from somebody because they have blonde hair and are therefore less intelligent than the friendly brunette would be considered a stereotype.

A prejudice is a little more complex. Have you ever had a preconceived feeling about somebody before you’ve even met them? That would be considered as a prejudice opinion. For example, you’ve heard that the new intern that starts next month is a homosexual, therefore you are not going to treat them the same as the other employees in the company.

The Trouble It Can Cause In The Work Place
The last thing you want a business owner is for there to be a divide in your work force and unfortunately, that is exactly what these feelings can create.

Think about certain members of your team refusing to work together because of these feelings. It can be disastrous for work load and the problems could erupt, causing your business to have problems in the future, especially if certain members of staff cannot take it anymore and leave or refuse to work.

The Solution
The best thing we can suggest would be to get in touch with Hogrefe. The company have a number of testing programmes for business including the solution to this particular problem.

Hogrefe offer unconscious bias testing which the company has named ‘Simplicity’. The tests measures reaction times in different sections to demographics including age, gender, sexual orientation and race. The results are based on a cleverly devised score sheet invented by the team at Hogrefe and could give you an insight into whether you or your staff are biased subconsciously.

For more information about the unconscious bias test offered by Hogrefe and any of the other workplace testing they offer, visit their website. http://hogrefe.co.uk

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