Facebook application Pay With A Post has reached record numbers today by helping client, Everything 5 Pounds secure over 70,000 likes on their Facebook page. Since launching the Pay With A Post app on their Facebook page 9 months ago, Everything 5 Pounds have seen their number of likes increase 14 fold. However, thanks to the launch of a new give away yesterday, they have seen their likes ascend by 2,500 in less than 24 hours.
Pay With A Post works on the basis of giving something away to your customers that not only would they really want but also that they would be happy to shout about. Creator of Pay With A Post Mark Tillison explains, “Pay With A Post” works by offering your fans the chance to win something worthwhile. In exchange for liking the page and entry into the competition the fan has to allow the app to post on their wall that they have entered to win something amazing,” he continues, “That’s how it starts, once one person has entered all their friends will see and then they’ll enter and their friends will see and so on and so forth. Thanks to the great give away’s that Everything 5 Pounds have supplied and their use of email marketing in conjunction with the app, they have seen an astronomical rise in genuine, engaging fans.”
Pay With A Post works for B2C companies of all shapes and sizes. PWAP Manager Vicki Hemmings comments, “Whether you are a local bike shop or an online e-commerce store our app will work for you. We currently have a beautician and a restaurant flourishing, but like all things you get out what you put in. A great prize is a start and then telling your customers by leaflet, e-shot or just simply by word of mouth will all aid in the exponential growth of your Facebook fans.”
Pay With A Post offers all users a free 15-day trial followed by a monthly subscription plan starting from as little as £9. Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter now dominate over 20% of the time we spend online and reach 82% of the worlds online population. “Social media is an incredible resource which B2C companies aren’t capitalizing on,” comments Mark Tillison. “ As well as raising the profile of your company, social media is a great tool for engaging with your fans, following new trends and doing research.”
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