Unfortunately pests are a part of life, which we all have to contend with from time to time. In this article we look at the top 10 types of pests in the UK.
1. Mice
House mice are an issue to homeowners all year round. They like to live in warm spaces such as wall cavities and lofts, as well as anywhere there is access to food.
2. Cockroaches
Cockroaches are another type of pest who like to live in warm dark spaces. Venturing out at night to eat they carry a wealth of unsanitary diseases.
3. Brown Rats
Identifiable by their droppings and teeth marks, brown rats are the most common species in the UK.
4. Flies
Regardless of their type, flies are carriers of diseases including food poisoning. Don’t let them get near your lunch.
5. Wasps
Wasps can be incredibly invasive, living in your homes and gardens in their thousands. A single was nest can home upwards of 25,000 wasps.
6. Moths
Moths lay sticky eggs, which if deposited on clothing, carpets or upholstery can cause significant damage.
7. Bed Bugs
Bed bugs feast on human blood and spread quickly in cracks and crevices as well as in mattresses. The only way to get rid of them is by calling in professionals.
8. Ants
Ants enter homes in search of food. Whilst harmless to humans it is still not pleasant to have them in your home.
9. Woodlice
Again more of a nuisance than a danger, these garden dwellers thrive on rotten leaves and wood.
10. Spiders
Spiders actually help to kill off other pests such as flies but with so many people being in fear of them, they are still considered a pest, which needs to be dealt with.
All of these pests plus many many more can be brought under control and disposed of by employing a pest control company. To find one in your area simply Google ‘pest control’ followed by your location, e.g. “Pest Control Ealing”
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