Why Should Your Company have ISO9001 Accreditation?

I have spent a little time recently looking at local companies in Portsmouth like Langstone Engineering Ltd, Portsmouth Aviation and Excell Metal Spinning and it is only today that I notice there is something they have in common. ISO9001.

ISO9001, a sequence of letters and numbers that we see emblazoned on company websites and social media news feeds, but what is it and does is really make a difference?

ISO9001 Definition

ISO9001 is a Quality Management System that is recognised around the world. It is suitable for all business sizes in any industry sector. Although a Quality System it involves the whole company and not just the quality department.

To win ISO9001 certification the company will have to demonstrate that they can meet the ISO9001 requirements and apply the systems effectively to be of benefit to their customers.

ISO9001 certification will stand a company in good stead to compete not only locally and UK wide, but also globally.

ISO9001 Benefits

Satisfied customers mean you stay in business. ISO9001 compliance will mean that everything that you do is aimed at satisfying your clients, guiding them to buy your product instead of that of a competitor.

ISO9001 Benefits to the Company

  • The system provides an effective management process to senior management, setting out areas of responsibility across the company.
  • For some contracts of work in the public sector you are only invited to tender if you are ISO9001 compliant.
  • A solid set of company processes reduces inefficiencies and variations on quality giving you a more consistent product or brand with less waste. These processes will actually be saving time and money whilst keeping customers happy with the delivery of consistent products and service.
  • ISO9001 accreditation provides processes for continuous assessment and improvement empowering your staff to constantly strive to do better.

ISO9001 Benefits to the Customer

  • The implementation of a Quality Management System will increase your customers satisfaction. You will experience fewer customer complaints as quality products meet the full expectation of the client.
  • With the ISO9001 quality management system in place you will know what your clients expect and how to deliver it to the highest standard and on time.
  • Required independent audits show the company’s commitment to quality giving clients security and trust in the company.
  • ISO9001 Certification will enable the company to win new customers and bid on contracts that have an ISO9001 restriction.

“ISO9001 Certification will give your organisation the quality systems that will provide the foundation to better customer satisfaction, staff motivation and continual improvement.”

Do you think an ISO9001 Quality Management System if for your company? Or, does your company already have ISO9001 Certification and is it worth the investment in time and money? Let me know in the comments.

It certainly seems to be working for Excell Metal Spinning whose mission statement follows through from the ISO9001 mantra.

“Excell Metal Spinning aims to provide the right level of service that our customers require. We work alongside our customers to make sure the best possible solution can be achieved”.

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