In our Prezi training sessions a lot of people start the day by saying “I’m not creative at all so be patient with me”. And it is normally these same people that find themselves creating some brilliant Prezi designs by the end of the day. Most are really surprised at just how creative Prezi can help them be.
I find this is normally down to them having the freedom to work outside of slides, and really let their imaginations run wild to tell a better story than they ever could have before.
It’s also down to some really useful hints and tips that I have learned over the years from creating nearly 600 Prezi designs for our customers. I love sharing these tips in training and one of my favourite tips you can start using right now.
Prezi Symbols & Shapes
Inside the INSERT menu you will find Prezis Symbols & Shapes feature.
Simply select a style, find the Symbol or Shape you need and drag it onto your Prezi canvass.
This feature gives you a library of icons that you can use anywhere in your Prezi design.
Most people see the feature and just think, “That’s useful. Maybe I will use them some time”.
I would suggest you try and use Symbols & Shapes them all the time!
Replace text with imagery
There are so many symbols and shapes to use that you can make your presentations even more visual, and hopefully replace a lot of those horrible looking bullet point text boxes with nice clean imagery. Here is an example of what I mean.
I recently had to design and deliver a webinar presentation. At the start I needed to tell people the running time, how to interact in the session, and what to expect. This would normally be a very dull looking agenda with bullet point text. But here’s what I did using Symbols & Shapes….
There are a lot more examples of using the Symbols and Shapes inside this particular Prezi. You can take a look at the following link:
If you are not a designer, and consider yourself not creative then this is a great way to get your Prezis looking fantastic.
Now get super creative!
Our team here at The Prezenter have created a series of FREE and re-usable templates that only use Prezi symbols & Shapes. There is no bespoke imagery that we have designed ourselves, no creative genius and trickery at play, just a clever use of what’ already in the Prezi software.
You can view each template on the links below and click the MAKE A COPY button to grab your own version.
Symbols & Shapes People
Symbols & Shapes – Brain
Symbols & Shapes – Tree
Once you get the idea we would love to see any new designs you come up with yourself. Please share them with us on @ThePrezenter and #PreziTemplate. You can also email us your designs at [email protected]
We hope you enjoy,
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