5 Simple Google Ads Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Campaigns


A well-targeted Google Ads campaign can bring your business sales and leads.

Your perfect customer is surrounded by noise from adverts whenever they search online. As a business, you want them to be able to see and click on your products and services easily.

Enter Google Ads. Running a campaign with Google Ads means you have the ability to control and optimise everything about your ads to get more leads. You can also run many ads and compare them against each other to see what works best for your business!

So let’s delve in and find the best way to control and optimise your ads.


Google Ads tips and tricks

You’ve set up your account and you’re running your first campaign. Now what? Check and optimise!

As a rule, new campaigns need TLC. This is especially important during the first week so you can filter out any wasteful searches. 


1. Use negative keywords

Negative keywords are search terms that you want to exclude from your campaigns because they’re irrelevant. For example, if your business sells wine glasses, you don’t want to appear on someone’s search for reading glasses. It won’t serve the customer and you won’t get your target audience clicking through to your website.

Adding negative keywords to your campaign saves you money as you won’t be paying for irrelevant clicks. When reading your Google Ads stats, you’ll see a true reflection of how your campaign is doing.

Tip: remember that you can update negative keywords throughout your campaign. Never spend a penny on wasteful searches again!


2. Make your landing page relevant

Have you ever clicked on an ad and only to be taken to something completely irrelevant? It’s so annoying for users, and it’s also very pricey for your business.

If a user clicks onto your ad and is on your website for less than five seconds, it counts as a bounce. Bounces don’t equal leads – they’re very much the opposite. 

So why do bounces cost you money? Every time a user clicks on your ad, Google charges you. Bounces don’t show a true reflection on the statistics of users clicking through to your website. So you make sure that you’re matching users’ search terms as much as you can.


3. Keep optimising your campaigns

Managing your campaign is essential. To get the best results, it’s best to check it weekly. Change titles or descriptions that have low impressions, and make the most of geotargeting if it’s appropriate to your business.

Don’t limit optimisation to your ad copy, though. Keep testing your landing pages. Split or A/B testing is a great way to do this and Google even has a handy tool to help you.


4. Be aware of ad types

Responsive ads hold up to 15 titles and four descriptions. Google chooses three titles and two descriptions to show at all times. It will automatically choose which ones, so make sure they all make sense and are relevant to the ad. Avoid repetition between your titles and descriptions, too, because any of them could be used.

Expanded ads give you three titles and two description options. They stay the same throughout the campaign unless you update them. When you check your ads, you can see which titles and descriptions are performing well in the responsive ad asset details. You can use these in the extended ads.


5. Use the correct keyword match-types

There are three different search terms and they all have their uses. When creating a Google Ad, you search terms to choose keywords and negative keywords. Here are the different types and how/when to use them.

  • Phrase ” “

A phrase keyword means that when a user searches your keyword in the exact order, your ad will appear. The search term could include your other words before or after the phrase keyword. Phrase keywords are more targeted than broad match keywords, but more flexible than exact keywords. A phrase keyword is always inverted in speech marks.

  • Exact [ ]

An exact keyword means that when a user searches your exact keyword, your ad will appear. The search query will need to mirror the exact keyword.

  • Broad match

An exact keyword means that when a user searches for either your exact keyword or a similar query, your ad will appear. It’s definitely called broad for a reason. It can be costly to use broad search keywords because they match to many similar search terms. Meaning users could click through to your website, but not want your type of services. Each click costs your business.


Is this your first Google Ads campaign? It can seem daunting to create your first one. Once you get it started and follow our Google Ads tips, you’ll start seeing results that you like. It’ll be so worth it!

If you’re looking for Google Ads Services, then check out Tillison Consulting, they provide Google Ads services for a variety of different business sectors. Whether you’re looking for Google Ads services for Wedding Venues, Events, Law Firms and many more, they have Google Ads specialists to help you improve your online presence.

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